Making Progress & Looking For Your Help!

The year is progressing and we continue to put together what promises to be a great event for you in May! We had a convention committee (or, as we like to say, concom) meeting on 11 Jan and all of us got to hear the latest and greatest from all the staff members regarding the work they’re doing to make CONsole Room 2014 a reality. We’re putting together a progress report and will be sending that out in the near future to make sure you’re all in the loop too, so look for that soon.

One open item from our meeting that we need your help with is for all you artists out there. We’d love to have an Art Show or Artists’ Alley at CONsole Room, but we don’t currently have anyone who can run it. If you think you might be interested in doing this, e-mail us at or message us through our Facebook page. We’d love to have someone with convention experience take the lead on this, but even if you don’t and you’re still interested, let us know.

See you in May!