Yard Sale Fundraiser on Saturday, July 13, 2024

Are you finding that your storage issues will only be solved by having your very own TARDIS?  Does it feel like your possessions are starting to possess you?  Would you like to be able to have more space and help out the best Doctor Who convention in the Twin Cities at the same time?

Bring your books, your comics, your action figures, your models, your costumes, along with anything else you’d like to get rid of to the CONsole Room Community Garage Sale, taking place Saturday, July 13, 2024!  Anything that’s sold as part of the garage sale that day will help fund CONsole Room 2025. At the end of the day, any “fandom” items remaining will be donated to the Geek Partnership Society (@GeekPS) for their ongoing auctions. All other remaining items will be donated to Goodwill, Savers, and/or other local donation locations.

To Donate Stuff: please fill out this form so we know what to expect. Plan to bring your items that Saturday morning between 8am and 9:30am to the sale location.

To Lend Tables: please fill out this form. Plan to drop off tables earlier that week, or on Saturday morning with your other donations.

To Volunteer: please fill out this form. We can always use more people for set up and tear down, as well as people throughout the day to help visitors and reset stuff. Volunteering for this event counts as hours towards volunteering at the convention as well!