
Though CONsole Room 2021 is virtual, your costumes don't have to be. We welcome you to dress up no matter where you are and we can't wait to see all the Time Lords, Time Ladies, Draconians, Weeping Angels, companions, and other alien races and characters parading the virtual halls all weekend!

Take a look below at how we're celebrating cosplay throughout the weekend and all year long.

Costuming Showcase

During the convention, visit the "Costume Showcase" channel in our Discord server to share pictures of your cosplays: new, past, and future, too!

Cosplay Chat

Do you have questions about cosplays or costuming and want some advice? Post your question, share advice, or celebrate works in progress in the "Cosplay Chat" channel in our Discord server.

#WhoItYourself Community

Cosplay doesn't end when the convention does! All year long you are welcome to post pictures of your cosplays in our Facebook #WhoItYourself Community, or by tagging us on social media.